Assertion of human and labor laws through Council

Human rights have gained massive impetus in the recent years owing to mass- awareness and belief in restoring the lost humanitarian values in the society. People have realized that it is not merely enough to live and work but also one should be aware of his or her basic rights and privileges. Each and every country has their set of rights and duties laid in constitution and it expects that every countryman should abide that always and in toto. Unfortunately that doesn`t happen always. Everyone has equal rights but everyone isn`t aware of his or her own share of rights and duties. Illiteracy, poor socio- economic health and authoritarian rule have led to this deplorable state in many places far and wide. There is a sect of people who takes immense pleasure in violating the rules and also in depriving others of what is rightfully theirs.

This has been on for years after years. The human rights activists have come forward to combat these problems which have become more of social evil kind. Industrialization and commercialization have already swept the whole world. With millions and millions of men and women employed across the globe it is expected that they are aware of their human labor rights. Sadly in many countries this is not the case. People out there believe that their duty is to come to office or place of work and toil till they get their wages. They don`t even know that they have a major and influential part to play in the whole system of management. Even though the management urges them to come forward with their grievances, many are reluctant in doing so. These problems are eating away the structure of the society day in and day out. Keeping these factors in mind many countries have formed what they famously call Betriebsrat. The motto of the Betriebsrat is to educate the employers, laborers or wage earners about the basic rights and duties that they have in regards to human labor and human ethics. Their role is expanded from a humble worker to a voice in decision- making process at the management level. This facility or competence is something that many are unaware of. Betriebsrat has taken the responsibility of arranging various forums and symposium to educate and inform the workers and employees about these basic issues so that they know that their existence is more than a silent worker. They know their roles and rights and can work better in justifying the both.